I'm Sue and I'd like to welcome you to Pussyfoot Vintage - "The Past Purrfect"
I'm passionate about all things vintage. This began as a child when my Nan gave me some of her old costume jewellery to play with and then the serious collecting began.
Now I limit my collections to brooches and handbags but satisfy my love of collecting by sourcing unusual items to sell through Pussyfoot Vintage. It really is the best of both worlds.
I travel from my home in Ewenni, Bro Morgannwg to vintage fairs and events - Vintage for Victory, Caerdydd, Severn Valley Railway "Step into the 1940s" and Frock Me! in Chelsea, Kensington and Victoria, London - see the diary dates page for more details.
The 'Let's Go Shopping' page on the website has a direct link to my Etsy shop where you will find lots more lovely vintage items from the 1940s onwards.
If you visit any of the fairs listed, please say hello as I love chatting to fellow enthusiasts. Sue Foot
Email pussyfootvintage@yahoo.co.uk
Instagram puss.yfootvintage
Etsy www.etsy.com/uk/shop/pussyfootvintage